we ask you why…

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and then we ask you why not.

We are a Black-owned boutique strategy consultancy. We strive to be a good influence by centering the voices and needs of the people who drive your organization’s mission. We do this through research, strategic impact planning, and creative communications. Whether we are working with a social enterprise, foundation, nonprofit, or coalition, our process starts with humble curiosity. We begin all our engagements by asking our clients and their stakeholders several “why questions” to better understand what defines their organization’s strategy, current reality, cultural context, relationships, decision making, communications, and systems.

Then, we ask our clients “why not” by facilitating brave spaces where organizations can listen deeply to their community voices and make decisions more strategically, creatively, and collaboratively. For some of our clients, the final product may be a community-led white paper, blog series, theory of change, coaching journey, or ethnography and brand audit. For other clients, the work may take on the artistic form of a graphic chapbook or mixed media narrative. Regardless of the form or format you are seeking, our work always centers and elevates the people driving your mission.

Simply put, we strive to be a good influence on our clients and communities.